Sunday, August 23, 2009


I was talking to my mom the other day, and she made it a point to tell me that I haven't updated in a while, and she was right.So, I figured I would do that now. I had to go back and find out when my last post was and well.. it was April. We are now almost at the end of August. Let's see... I turned 33 in June. We stayed on the strip for my party. We had a blast!! Of course, we always have a story... so here goes. On our way back the next morning, we had a blow out on the freeway, took our entire bumper off the van and the gas cover, it also took some stabilizing thing to hold the part of the gas tank where you put the nozzle in to pump the gas, cause it is all wobbly now. After having that all fixed and drivable again, a few weeks later it crashes and burns. We think it is the computer but still working on it. Meanwhile, we are getting by with the car we have.

The kids are still growing fast. Phoebe turned 2 on July 23rd. We had a quaint little party for her, with some friends here in town. Nothing like our parties in Phoenix with all the family and friends we had there, but we still had fun.

Her birthday dress and a ponytail!!! She does the squishy face like Harley used to do when he was little. If you look real close on the wall behind her, you will see her artwork.

We had a BBQ, she loves corn on the cob.

I had to put that one in there to show of her ponytail!

We did a craft the other day, they made glasses. They didn't last long but they had fun.

I tried and tried but could not get a picture of Phoebe with her glasses on.
The kids posing before We found us a hot tub off of Craigslist for free and have it in the garage, I know a little redneck, but we are limited on room and well, don't care, hehe, we have fun with life.
Curtis and I have been spending our free time planning our move to our property up north. I have another blog for that. Don't expect too much info on there for a while, but that is where we will chronicle our adventure, when we get there. I am going back to school, hopefully in October. I will be going for my bachelor's in Information Technology with a Software Emphasis. I found the online university where it is competency-based. This means I will move forward based on my knowledge of the subjects. They are 6 month terms and I can move at my pace and not on a rigid schedule. I am very excited, I have missed being in school.
My surgery for my hysterectomy is on September 3rd. We are hoping they will just take my ovaries, but if need be I will have a full hysterectomy. I will keep you posted on that.
I think I will sign off for now. I need to work on the post about the puppies.....
Blessed Be,

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