Monday, April 27, 2009

We are still here....

Okay, I know it has been well over six months since I last posted. But in my defense I did point out that I am not good at this, lol.

Well it is almost the end of April already and we have been in Las Vegas for over a year now. I guess we survived the move. Although we still miss family and friends dearly, and have talked about moving back. At this point we will be staying put until we find out about Curtis' job and if he will be entering the Assistant Manager program soon, he has put so much work and effort into it so far that it would be stupid not to stick it out here, instead of starting over in Phoenix.

The kids are doing great, I am working on pictures for them. I was trying to be good and clean up my computer but instead I deleted all, and I mean ALL of my photos of my computer. I was able to recover them but in the process I recovered EVERY single photo that ever crossed my path on this computer, including the cookies from the Internet, so it is taking me time to sort through them all.

Harley is 9 now and is smarter than ever! Cody is 7 and is just as stubborn as Curtis, hehe. Piper will be 5 in September, and she is a pistol. I am working on her and getting her to wear girl clothes, a slow process but I will make it happen! Ha Ha. Phoebe is growing too fast for me. She is walking all over the place, and has her own unique personality just as the other kids have their own unique personality.

I am doing well, still working for the cab company. This alone is an experience. On track for a promotion.

Well, I will be back and I PROMISE I will keep up on this thing and be adding pictures.

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