Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Things

So, I am sitting in the office the other day and I hear this slow clunking on the floor. I turn around and this is what I see. She was wearing her sister's shoes, not only that they were two different ones. She found this whole get-up all on her own and was so proud of herself. Maybe I should find her a pair of shoes.

And, this is what you get when the kids sneak your camera:

We went to dinner at a friend's house a few weeks ago. The kids were all kinds of excited, we haven't been anywhere together as a family in a while with our van being broke down. But they got to get all dressed up and when we got there they went out into the backyard and found CARS!! WooHoo!!

 Gabby had a litter of pups on 8/23/2009. She had 14 but 4 did not make it, so we are left with 6 males and 4 females. They are all fat and happy now, they had their tails and dews done on Monday. I have really never been around a dog when she is giving labor. She started laboring outside and I had to get her back into the house with the pups she already had to her kennel in the house we had set up for her. Talk about an adrenaline dump. I freaked! Luckily Curtis was on the phone and calmed me down. He came home on his lunch to check on things. All was well, I did pretty good that day. Was exhausted, and a little scratched up. She started having the pups behind a short palm tree we have in the backyard and I had to quickly crawl in there to grab the pups to take her inside. Totally worth it. The kids are excited to see the puppies, they want to keep them, but no we have no room. Plus, the money from these pups is our Winnemucca money. They are growing fast. 

This is Pixie one of our chihuahua/pug mixes. She likes to put herself on pedestals.

And last but not least, Curtis and I found a yummy looking recipe in a book the other day. Ooey Gooey Peanut Butter and Fudge Brownies. They turned out pretty good, but they were a pain the butt to make. It will be a while if at all before I make those again. So, I took a picture so it would last longer (haha I made a joke!). 

I guess that is all for now. I cut the boys' hair last night. I will take pictures of them when they wake up and add them later.
Oh, I almost forgot. Check out the fishies on the side there, if you click it will drop food. Also, they follow your mouse around. I know kinda silly, but its the little things that amuse me the most.
Blessed be,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love these updates. And my god, they're growing up. Holy cow!!! Keep updating b/c i love it. Josh went to school for IT so if you have questions he might be able to help you out.