Monday, September 7, 2009

Feeling Creative

It took me about 2 days to really finish my office, but I did it. You can see my before and after pics. Notice I have created myself a nice little sewing area.


On that note I made my first purse today, I used my fat pants. I say that because over the past year, I have lost a good 40 lbs. I went from a size 18W to a size 14 regular. Huge accomplishment, I am still working on losing more weight and getting toned. Right now it is delayed due to medical issues, but hopefully I will get back on track in about a month. Anyhow, a little off track but here is my purse. (I think there is something wrong with my blogger or I did something wrong, because this purse was done before my surgery and my office was cleaned before my surgery as well.)

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