Sunday, September 20, 2009

Latest Happenings

 had my hysterectomy on September 3rd. The first four days were pretty bad and was in a lot of pain. But it got better each day. I just have to say Curtis is a wonderful man. He stayed home with me and the kids and took care of us. He got up in the middle of the night when I needed him or with the kids or the puppies. I love you baby more than you will ever know.

Piper celebrated her 5th birthday on the 8th of September, we had a cake for her and she pretty much had run of the house for the day. We did not do much since I was still healing and was running a bad fever that day. The night before we took her shopping and she picked out some really cute girl clothes. Anyone who knows her, you know that it is hard to get her into girl clothes. But she picked them out and looked cute.


Okay, so the clothes are a tad big on her but she will grow into them.

Phoebe after her piece of birthday cake.

We also celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary on the 19th. Curtis brought be home some flowers and a cake.

I am looking forward to many more years with him.

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