Friday, October 23, 2009

Interesting Updates

A lot has happened since my last post. So, let me think how should I get everything out? Maybe I will categorize them by subject:

Phoebe is coming into her own. She now is climbing on things and getting into closed rooms, turning on and off lights. I now have to lock doors cause she figured that one out.

I made an apron out of an old crib skirt. I am working on a cute dress for Piper with it as well, just need to put the zipper in. But here is the before and after picture.



We sold the 10 puppies that Gabby had. That was a relief, so much poop!

I started school finally!

The kids did some painting.

Piper's was the blue elephant, Cody's was the tiger, Harley had the parrot and I had the silver hippo.
Oh and we are moving back to Phoenix! We bought an RV and will be staying with a friend.

We are planning to leave here on the 1st of November so the kids can get trick-or-treating in before we head out. We have pretty much sold everything to minimize our stuff. Curtis is transferring to the Wal-Mart in Scottsdale. We will be in Phoenix for at least 6 months if not longer. We are definitely going to have to get a Table Mesa trip in!! If all goes well and if my plan works we will be able to do a little travelling before we settle down on our property in northern Nevada, which we are still going to do.

Laundry Day!!! We sold our washer and dryer so we have to go to the laundry mat and of course this is all Curtis had left to wear, but thought it was adorable so had to add it in there.

The kids have decorated for Halloween, we really couldn't do a lot because we are leaving the next day but here is their window. Not sure about Harley's eyes, I tried to fix the red eye but it just got worse, still a cute picture though.


 Cody turned 8 on the 16th, we had a small party for him. Surprisingly though my parents showed up in Las Vegas and we were able to celebrate with them.

Phoebe was enjoying the frosting.

Phoebe wouldn't get in the picture.

I found this picture of Phoebe the other day and just can't believe how fast she has grown.

More to come, I will post Halloween pictures soon.

Blessed Be

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