Monday, November 24, 2008


I am trying to get this blog going and I was looking through some old posts and realized I had started one and never finished it. As I read it, I thought to myself 'this is good, why didn't I ever post it?'. So here it is. I made some adjustments.

Curtis - Working graves at Wal-Mart as a support manager. He is enjoying it and is on the list to enter the Assistant Manager program. He is working early mornings now, and not enjoying it so much anymore. He thinks if he can get to a different store things might be different. He took his name off the list for the Asst. Mgr. Program, so that he can do an easy transfer to Winnemucca in March.

Brandy - Still working with the cab company on the Las Vegas Strip. I am waiting on word about a promotion. Got that 'promotion', tons more responsibilities but no raise in pay, not sure if you can even call that a promotion.

Harley - He is 8 now. Unfortunately, our move took us further away from family and those big parties we would have for the kids we still managed to have a good time. He is so smart, I have to ask him how to work the tv sometimes. I always prided myself on the ability to keep up with the latest and greatest in technology and now my eight-year-old is getting ready to surpass me. He is reading very well, although he doesn't care to sit down and read a book. I am hoping to change that in the near future. Harley is a Momma's Boy through and through. He is becoming more attached to me every day. I love it! It won't last long, so I am enjoying it while I can. He is 9 now and still progressing at astonishing leaps and bounds.

Cody - Just recently turned 7 this past October. He could not wait till it was his turn to have the day be about CODY!!! He doesn't forget a thing, and makes sure you won't either. We spent about 3 months counting down to his birthday. We again had an intimate pary for him, but he was just happy to celebrate Cody's Day! Cody is always full of questions, he can talk your ear off. I have just recently witnessed him becoming like his Grandpa Naecker... all three kids were watching tv the other day and Cody had seen the cartoon already. A funny part was coming up and he proceeded to get excited and make sure Harley was watching every second so he didn't miss a thing. Even while Harley was staring at the tv, Cody was saying "watch Harley watch, here it comes watch. Are you watching? Harley look, watch!!!" All the while he is laughing at the joke that hasn't even happened yet. Then, once the part was over, he had to confirm with Harley that he had seen it and to make sure he thought it was as funny as Cody thought it was. Those of you who know my dad will understand and be laughing as much as I did when I saw this happening. What can I say about Cody... he is unique.

Piper - hmmmm, what can I say about her. She is four years old now, and has a mind as sharp as a tack. She is quick witted, and has a come-back for everything. She has now started doing what I did when I was little. When she is doing something she knows she is not supposed to be doing.... I, of course ask her the official mommy question... "What are you doing?" and her reply is "Nothing" in her cute little humming type voice, trying to sound as innocent as she can. Oh my goodness what am I getting myself into? Another one of her favorite come-backs is "there is something wrong with my brain" this is supposed to make it okay that she has just spent the last two hours cutting an entire spiral notebook into little pieces, page by page and filling up the many containers she has accumulated. The thing is some how these pieces of paper that she as so delicately cut up so small always end up all over her floor. By that time she is "too tired" or her "legs hurt" so she can't help with the clean up. She is daddy's princess and she knows it! I really need to keep a journal, and I think I might, just to keep track of some of the things she says, although I am not sure how to express her facial expressions that go along with the things that come out of her mouth.

Phoebe -This is where the blog ended... so here goes. She is following in her sister's footsteps. She doesn't take crap from anyone. I am able to get her into more girl clothes and fix her hair more so that is a plus (for me anyway). She is growing so fast and is 2 already. She doesn't wear shoes, she doesn't care for them.

I am so proud of each one of them and how they are becoming their own person. I sometimes and a patience issue with them but I check myself and realize that's what makes them so special.

Blessed Be,

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