Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Crazy Days

Well, it has been crazy here the past month. In the beginning of March, Cody was hit by a truck while riding his bike here in the trailer park. He is okay. Most of the damage to Cody's left leg was done by the bike. He was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital because of the trauma unit they have there. No broken bones, but they had to bring in 2 plastic surgeons to reconstruct his leg. He spent one night in the hospital and then was able to come home the next day. I spent the night with him in the hospital. He was a trooper through the whole thing.

Harley turned 10 years old this month as well. We had a birthday party at a park for him. He invited his classmates. Quite a few of them showed up. He had so much fun.

Later this month after Cody returned to school he was awarded Student of the Month at school, for Citizenship. We are so proud of him and all that he has accomplished in such a short time at home and at school.

His teacher Miss. Valente has been so awesome with him. 

Phoebe found the blue highlighter again!!

I am starting a new term at school tomorrow. Excited for a fresh start with my studies, it was a rough six months. I started a paranormal research group as well. I love the unexplained and paranormal. We are not out looking for trouble just looking for explanations and possibilities. Looking forward to learning and helping. We do have a website Desert Moon Paranormal Society please visit and let me know what you think. 

As, I finish this post Piper has been hard at work with her Pre-K book we got from Wal-Mart. She is so smart!

I am off to spend some time with the girls.

Blessed Be,