Thursday, February 18, 2010

Taking a Break...

Taking a break from school work.... I am sitting here with the girls, Scooby Doo 2 playing on the front tv and Care Bears movie playing on the back tv. Curtis has gone out to my parents' house to help my dad fix the roof on the kennels. The boys are back in school. They go to a charter school and are doing very well. Hang on Mommy duty calls, Care Bears is now on the front tv and Monster House in the back.

I haven't posted since we moved back to Arizona the first of November. So here goes...

We packed up after Halloween and headed back to Phoenix, not before the kids enjoyed some of their Halloween candy.




 We then loaded up in the RV and were on our way.



I of course I have add another picture of Phoebe trying to fit in something that wasn't meant for sitting.... remember the store Yellow Front??? Well, my grandparents have a shopping basket they found at a yard sale once and keep filled with toys when the grand kids visit and this is Phoebe!!


We made it back in town for the State Fair. The kids had a blast!!

Ok so maybe there were a few moments of pure fear!!!

Now, if anyone really knows Piper, seeing her sit down to have her hair curled with a curling iron is a rare performance so I had to make sure to capture it for prosperity. 

One of the guys from the satellite companies dressed up like Spongebob, while we waited for our order to be entered the kids got a picture.

My great-grandma turned 100 in November! We were so excited to make it to the party. Unfortunately for me, I had no hairdryer or straight iron yet, it was still all packed. But I guess that doesn't matter as much as being able to be there and have our pictures taken with her.


Phoebe knows how to make her presence known....
My very best friend Sabrina came by for a visit and this is her little girl Sophia. There are no words to tell how adorable she is.

Cody got to spend the weekend with Uncle Paul and Aunt Belinda. This was them stopping by after church.

Christmas morning was fun. They all got what they wanted.


The kids celebrating New Years before the sun went down. They couldn't wait to use the party favors.

Another snapshot of Phoebe's handi-work. Isn't she so pretty??????

We had a nice storm come through not too long ago and when I was rounding up the kids before it really hit I saw this beautiful rainbow and had to take a picture.

And, last but not least our newest member of the family....


1986 GMC K5 Blazer
I will keep up the posts this time.

Blessed Be,